Playoff Game 2, News, Peewee Gold, U13, 2017-2018 (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 17, 2018 | Ryan Stewart | 646 views
Playoff Game 2
Holy smokes folks! That was not what I expected to see today! This game will definitely go down in Goldigger history as the......

worst game we have played all season. Ben had the start today in net and things definitely didn't start the way we had hoped. I think the first 5 shots on our net went in. It's a hard uphill climb when we are down 5 goals after 4 minutes and 19 seconds of hockey but that is what we faced. Our team came out flat and was deflated after this.  Point Edward was out hustling us and having their way with us through most of the game. The final score after 3 periods of hockey was 8-0. Don't try to forget this game, try to learn by it.
In my opinion, Point Edward's big shooters stopped pressing hard after the first 5 goals and played more of a passing game similar to what we saw in Point Edward on Thursday night in game 1. This team starts out with both barrels firing on our net to take command early then settles back. They are a rough crew who like a physical game. They took 7 penalties this game and 6 in game 1 compared to our total of 3 tripping calls in the first 2 games plus a bench minor when Coach Ryan voiced his concern about the nasty elbow to AJ Duffy's head with 3:30 left to play today. A bench minor well taken in my opinion as this type of stuff should always be called and the refs needed to be told they missed this call. I think the refs knew they messed up because the next ugly cross check on Logan came just a minute and a half later and they called it a double minor.
In game 3 we must dig deep, come out strong and compete hard. We can't let this team push us around, getting a bit more determined and pushing back instead of shying away may work. Just remember to keep it clean, stay out of the box and stay focused on the task at hand. It won't be easy, both Goalies will need to be sharp if we want any hope of a victory. The stars will need to be aligned with strong performances from both our defense and offense, everyone's feet will need to be moving every shift.
Can it be done? I say YES! We have a great team, GO COUGARS GO!

Trainer Pat